(click ad, via)
To everyone: but specifically to the Grammar Cunt, who, with alacrity, pisses on my many typos/errors. Happy New Year GC—you who are somehow both 18 years-old, AND a college professor. Ad is for some German proofreading service, by Hamburg ad agency Grabarz & Partner.
Previously in: PissVertising.
Sabtu, 31 Desember 2011
The Creepiest "Unnecessary" Quotation Marks Ever.
(click image, via)
Three questions. One: is that the chair George Clooney made in "Burn After Reading"? Two: do I have to wear the floating crown? Three: are those the creepiest two men ever born? The Pleasure Throne url is dead, btw. Related: the World's Largest Dildo Ad (via Germany, of course).
Three questions. One: is that the chair George Clooney made in "Burn After Reading"? Two: do I have to wear the floating crown? Three: are those the creepiest two men ever born? The Pleasure Throne url is dead, btw. Related: the World's Largest Dildo Ad (via Germany, of course).
Jumat, 30 Desember 2011
The latest completely useless Amnesty International ad (via Slovenia).
(click ad, via) Aw, cute. Your cute computer cursor hand is stopping the bad army man from shooting innocent people. But who is he? And who is he shooting? He doesn't look particularly evil; maybe he's shooting at some evil terrorists? In which case I don't want to "stop the violence at Amnesty.si." And haven't I seen this same first-idea visual before? Yes. And it is amazing how many agencies worldwide have done Amnesty ads in recent years. Either AI has a big ad budget, or ad agencies have big hearts. The third possibility is—I don't even want to think of it, it's so EVIL—that they are all scam ads done just to try to win awards. Nah.
Ad agency: Pristop, Ljubljana.
Ad agency: Pristop, Ljubljana.
Which wig are you wearing New Year's Eve, ladies? The "Cockade" or the "Date Bait"?
(click postcard)
Or, maybe the Frederick's of Hollywood "Scamp"? The Cockade says you're ready for monkey sex with a complete stranger. Image via Bad Postcards, where you can view the ten baddest retro postcards of the year.
Or, maybe the Frederick's of Hollywood "Scamp"? The Cockade says you're ready for monkey sex with a complete stranger. Image via Bad Postcards, where you can view the ten baddest retro postcards of the year.
Does Indiana issue much larger driver's licenses than other states?
(click image, reddit) Or, is State Police Superintendent Carraway a dwarf? By the way, Melvin was Superintendent from 1997-2005, according to Wikipedia. Related: the most honest political ad in US history, from 1916, via Genesee County Police Commissioner Frank R. Streat.
Bullshit Mattress Commercial of the Day.
(via Illegal Advertising)
You know what? Fuck her on the floor then, you Metrosexual doofus.
Ad agency: Selmore, Amsterdam.
Here's a previous ad with the same "Big Idea":
• Man would rather watch HD TV than fuck Gisele Bündchen.
Wanna see a good mattress commercial? Here.
Is this the strangest coffee shop ad I've ever seen?
(click ad, via)
Yes. Yes, it is. You've seen the strangest coffee ads ever, via Finland. Now this, via Lithuania. The photos on the wall only add to the strangeness. But is it also the best coffee shop ad I've ever seen? Yes. Yes it is. Because I stared at it for a full minute, and I would do the same if I saw it in a publication. So bravo, Not Perfect/Y&R in Vilnius. Here's the Coffee Inn facebook page. Previously: Is this the strangest chocolate ad I've ever seen?
Yes. Yes, it is. You've seen the strangest coffee ads ever, via Finland. Now this, via Lithuania. The photos on the wall only add to the strangeness. But is it also the best coffee shop ad I've ever seen? Yes. Yes it is. Because I stared at it for a full minute, and I would do the same if I saw it in a publication. So bravo, Not Perfect/Y&R in Vilnius. Here's the Coffee Inn facebook page. Previously: Is this the strangest chocolate ad I've ever seen?
Kamis, 29 Desember 2011
Today's religious billboard from Hell (Georgia).

Matthew 25:41—"Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels"
The "narrow road" refers to the road to Heaven. Georgia roads are Hell, if you're an out-of-stater. My Dad (scroll down) knows about that. Previous religious billboards from Hell:
• Florida: Scumbags Welcome!
• Texas: "I Hate Church"—Satan.
• Florida: "Sports Fanatics" will burn in Hell.
• Ohio: pro-God billboard with a perfect anti-God message.
The 8 Worst TV/Video Ads of 2011.
In no particular order:
• This Pert Plus spot has an ending joke that women just loved. Hard to believe this was via a P&G brand. Ad agency: Sigma Group.
• Hornitos the official tequila of identical twin date rape. Ad agency: Euro RSCG.
• Smug ebay commercial was universally despised. By Venables Bell & Partners.
• This German Mercedes spot is the most depressing car commercial ever made. Ad agency: Jung von Matt.
• Chevy video is exploitative contrived malarkey.
• This awful BBDO Samsung/AT&T spot has over 4,500 dislikes on YouTube.
• Spray on Axe. Fuck angels.
• And lastly, the racist Summer's Eve talking hand vagina videos: African American execution; and Latina version. Ad agency: The Richards Group, who tried to pull all the videos, but, ha, fuck them.
Previously: the 8 Worst Print Ads of 2011.
• This Pert Plus spot has an ending joke that women just loved. Hard to believe this was via a P&G brand. Ad agency: Sigma Group.
• Hornitos the official tequila of identical twin date rape. Ad agency: Euro RSCG.
• Smug ebay commercial was universally despised. By Venables Bell & Partners.
• This German Mercedes spot is the most depressing car commercial ever made. Ad agency: Jung von Matt.
• Chevy video is exploitative contrived malarkey.
• This awful BBDO Samsung/AT&T spot has over 4,500 dislikes on YouTube.
• Spray on Axe. Fuck angels.
• And lastly, the racist Summer's Eve talking hand vagina videos: African American execution; and Latina version. Ad agency: The Richards Group, who tried to pull all the videos, but, ha, fuck them.
Previously: the 8 Worst Print Ads of 2011.
More Honest Logos.

(click images) Vickor Hertz just posted some more of his remakes. Not as good as his previous batch. I like NOKIA and Playboy. See all 30 of them here. Related: Today in Perverted Logos.
The most liked 2011 UK TV commercial is...
Aldi is a cut-price supermarket.
Brits. Drunks. Ad agency: McCann.
The John Lewis X-Mas spot was fourth in the poll conducted by Nielsen.
Ever seen a Condom Burst Test Machine?
(click, via)
Science! Go ahead stud, drop trou and impress her.
Related: Follow the links in this Monica Lewinsky Durex ad to see about 50 good, bad, ugly condom ads from the last six years.
Science! Go ahead stud, drop trou and impress her.
Related: Follow the links in this Monica Lewinsky Durex ad to see about 50 good, bad, ugly condom ads from the last six years.
Rabu, 28 Desember 2011
Art Directors are good for nothing (video).
Fucking useless font-fucking fucks (thanks Jay).
We've all been there, though, right ad creative dickwads?
I basically avoid telling strangers what the fuck it is I do.
Related: the Art Director's Checklist.
The 8 Worst Print Ads of 2011.

(click ads)
In no particular order, top to bottom, left to right:
1. Goodby Silverstein & Partners' Got Milk PMS campaign got absolutely nuked by women online. They pulled it almost immediately. See three more executions here.
2. Ogilvy Atlanta tried to get a nation to adopt a made-up ad word for Durex condoms. A nation said: Go fist yourself, Durex. Second print ad here.
3. Simply the dumbest Photoshopped ad I've ever seen, for a Portuguese bookseller. READING IS IRRIGATION FOR THE BRAIN.
4. Dull, Homophobic diagram sells the national drink of Brazil.
5. Cannes Lion-winning Kia ad with some clever pedophilia messaging. Kia America was forced to respond (their comment here).
6. No comment. Second ad in the campaign here.
7. Maybe the most iconic race protest photo in history is used to sell...toilet cleaning gloves.
8. Canadian hair salon playfully employs wife-beating imagery. Edgy.
Honorable Mention: this racist Nivea ad • this French eyeglasses ad that lamely mocked the Hells Angels • This Burger King print ad via Germany • and this "Snatch" gym ad.
Lord of the Rings fan? Bow to your new Dark Lord.
(click image, via Buzzfeed)
Well, that drastically cuts down his love partner options. Previously: Russian man gets eye chart back tattoo.
Well, that drastically cuts down his love partner options. Previously: Russian man gets eye chart back tattoo.
Here's a nice Russian Public Service Ad for reading.
(click ad)
It's via Eksmo, one of Russia's leading publishing houses. The line translates to: "To read is not detrimental, it is detrimental not to read." copyranter read a lot (well, a lot of crap) as a kid, so the ad has slightly melted his frozen heart. Adme.ru just posted their best Russian ads of 2011 (which included these crazy Pepsi Max print ads and this crazy guerrilla don't drink/drive billboard). See more here.
It's via Eksmo, one of Russia's leading publishing houses. The line translates to: "To read is not detrimental, it is detrimental not to read." copyranter read a lot (well, a lot of crap) as a kid, so the ad has slightly melted his frozen heart. Adme.ru just posted their best Russian ads of 2011 (which included these crazy Pepsi Max print ads and this crazy guerrilla don't drink/drive billboard). See more here.
Today's NYC Museum of Sex exhibit (nsfw).
(click image, via flickr)
Well, not today's, it's from 2009. Both books were published in the 1970s. Why did Grace "M" not title her blowjob book "Penis Sucking for everybody"? Women (shakes head). Here's a review of the Pussy Eating book. Yes, we've been there.
Related—Museum of Sex ads: the Blowjob Balloon • Jism • Flaccid.
Well, not today's, it's from 2009. Both books were published in the 1970s. Why did Grace "M" not title her blowjob book "Penis Sucking for everybody"? Women (shakes head). Here's a review of the Pussy Eating book. Yes, we've been there.
Related—Museum of Sex ads: the Blowjob Balloon • Jism • Flaccid.
Selasa, 27 Desember 2011
School children in the 1950s wore dog tags for identification in case of Nuclear Armageddon.

(click images)
No nightmares there, I'm sure. The program was started in North Carolina, but never went national (a shame). In the early 1950s, every NYC schoolkid from kindergarten to 4th grade was issued a tag.
OK class, incoming. Put on your dog tags, and get under your desks. Here ya go Mom, this charred log is your Suzy. Related: Check out these unintentionally funny retro nuclear bomb-vertisements.
Infographic: 4,000 years of the Evolution of Advertising.
Including the invention of the automobile, in 1835. Advertising Infographics: "creativity" by people who should be killed for dog food. Update: Click HERE to view the stupid thing. It's too big for the stupid Blogger platform.
Previous Ad Infographics:
• Anatomy of an Ad Agency.
• Copywriters are Douchebags.
• Asshole Art Directors Checklist.
• Graphic Designers are Pathetic.
• Evolution of the Dickhead Ad Exec.
Including the invention of the automobile, in 1835. Advertising Infographics: "creativity" by people who should be killed for dog food. Update: Click HERE to view the stupid thing. It's too big for the stupid Blogger platform.
Previous Ad Infographics:
• Anatomy of an Ad Agency.
• Copywriters are Douchebags.
• Asshole Art Directors Checklist.
• Graphic Designers are Pathetic.
• Evolution of the Dickhead Ad Exec.
Jumat, 23 Desember 2011
Merry Christmas from copyranter.

Clark Griswold: "Russ? Little knot here, you can work on that."
I'll be posting next week, including the five worst print ads and five worst TV/video ads of the year. See you Tuesday. Previously: THE best Christmas decoration.
Classic Christmas Ad: Sci-Fi Channel, 2007.

Previous X-Mas print ads:
• Merry, hairy X-Mas from Playboy.
• Stella Artois has killed Rudolph.
Christmas Gifs from copyranter.
A special holiday card edition of "unnecessary" quotation marks.

(click images)
That'll make her feel so "warm" and "fuzzy". Thanks to Maureen for the photo, snapped at her local pharmacy. Previous "Unnecessary" Quotation Marks:
• ATM sign • Carpet store.
Snooki's doppelgänger.

Well, the Uruk-hai are an advanced breed of Orc.
Previously in Jersey Shore:
• The X-Mas ornaments • The talking pens • The toothpaste.
The grossest language translation commercial ever.
And you thought this Berlitz language school poster was gross? Speak in more tongues with iBabel's free chat translator. Note the tongue blood splatter on the Russian woman's face. She didn't flinch. He should have asked her, "May I perform cunnilingus on you?" Ad agency: AlmapBBDO, Brazil. Previous commercials with gross tongues: The woman with the 50-foot tongue (via Ukraine).
Kamis, 22 Desember 2011
Hey look! Skype print ads.

(click ads, via)
Aw. Ain't they cutesy-wootsy? Skype is the technology that allows horny Inuits to play beach blanket bingo with Cali babes. And enables pervy, pale Deutschlanders to satisfy their swarthy jonesing. (And me to talk to my awesome (really), ranting Mother-In-Law. They got an ad budget now, thanks to Microsoft.
Ad agency: Wunderman, Santiago, Chile. Previously:
• Hey look! Wikipedia print ads.
• Hey look! Google print ads via Turkey.
Did he or didn't he...give me AIDS? (condom ad).

Print ad Durex is currently running in India. Copy reads: “experience the new durex superthin ultima. our thinnest condom. so thin, you can leave her pleasantly puzzled–did he really use one? or didn't he?"
Did he or didn't he—make me preggers? Did he or didn't he—give me an orgasm? No, definitely no O. Previously: Durex ad tastefully addresses the German cucumber e-coli outbreak.
Breast cancer awareness poster with real breasts (NSFW).

Created for the Associação da Luta Contra o Câncer in Mozambique by DDB (who also did the superhero self-exam posters). I guess the men were beaten back by cops? Yes, those are real boobs of a real woman sticking out of the (glory) holes of the Association's breast cancer awareness poster ("Touch to know if it's real"). It was erected during Mozambique's Fashion Week. Women who passed by (squeezers or not) were given a small brochure with the copy "Breast cancer is also real. Do the self-examination and protect yourself."
Previously in: Breast Cancer Awareness ads/installations (some nsfw).
The Pepsi Max Spokes-Douche smashes his truck into the Jets locker room.
The Max guy's name is Richard, btw.
Pepsi's YouTube note: "When the New York Jets are looking for inspiration in the locker room during halftime of a game, the Pepsi MAX driver steps in for coach Rex Ryan with a motivational speech for the ages!"
Shut-up. Ad agency: TBWA\Chiat\Day, LA. Previously Richard douched up the Field of Dreams. Russia is kicking the USA's ass with their Pepsi Max ads.
First! Dead Kim Jong-il ad.

The South African chicken chain has done several, terrible current events-riffing ads. They stereotyped South Americans during the 2010 World Cup. They made a "blunt" offer to Paris Hilton. Their TV commercials are also tasteless. OK, last month's dead dictators TV spot was mildly humorous. Now this lameness. They should have saved the media money and updated the dead dictators spot.
Rabu, 21 Desember 2011
Garnier anti-aging cream ad sh*ts in the mouth of Creative License.

Is that you, Meg Ryan?
AnyHooey, yes, exaggerating a product benefit is what us ad liars do, daily. But, you really gotta keep the idea within the same solar system as reality. Also: you should at least do a cursory check to make sure the exact same stupid idea hasn't already been done. Ad agency: Publicis, Zurich.
Racist Ads of the Day (via Dubai).

(click ads, via)
For the China Times restaurant in Dubai. Nothing to add.
OK yes, it's a ripoff of the 1960s Levy's campaign.
Ad agency: DDB Dubai.
Previous stops on the worldwide racist ad tour:
• India • India again • Thailand • Bolivia • USA • USA again • USA again.
The absolute dumbest forklift ads ever.

(click ads, via)
In fact, these are strong challengers to the dumbest ad I've ever seen.
Reliability?!? How about speed? How about getting out of your fucking forklift and running, you fucking idiot? Nice Photoshop work as well. Nissan, you should be proud. I hope, for your sake, these are fake. Ad agency: IM Advertising, Australia.
And here's 14 more of the Dumbest Ads Ever.
Disgusting Nose-picking Billboard.
(click, via)
Yes it's old, from 2010, but I just came across it again this morning. For Interbest Outdoor in The Netherlands. Their stripping fat man billboard from the same campaign got all the recognition, winning CLIO gold and a Cannes Lion this year. But this one has more...take your eyes off the road and die in a fiery auto accident...potential, I think. Ad agency: Y&R Not Just Film, Amsterdam.
Yes it's old, from 2010, but I just came across it again this morning. For Interbest Outdoor in The Netherlands. Their stripping fat man billboard from the same campaign got all the recognition, winning CLIO gold and a Cannes Lion this year. But this one has more...take your eyes off the road and die in a fiery auto accident...potential, I think. Ad agency: Y&R Not Just Film, Amsterdam.
How do you guerrilla advertise to guerrilla fighters?
Skywriting? Dud mortal shells with messages inside (OPEN ME! on the outside)?
The Colombian government enlisted their ad agency, Bogota's Lowe SSP3, to try and entice the FARC guerrillas to disarm and come home to their families for Christmas. Lowe created Operation Rivers of Light—floating plastic balls filled with messages and small gifts from family and friends down waterways used by the insurgents.
"We had overlooked that the highways of the jungle are the rivers," said Jose Miguel Sokoloff, chief creative officer of the Lowe agency.
The balls are equipped with LEDs that recharge on solar power and will remain lighted for about two weeks, according to Mr. Sokoloff. They will be placed in nine different rivers, one in each of the areas still occupied by guerrillas. The first wave of about 1,000 balls has been sent down two rivers. An estimated 4,000 to 5,000 fighters are believed left, Mr. Sokoloff said, vs. as many as 30,000 a decade ago. The outreach encourages them to defect from their camps and surrender to Colombian soldiers, who have been instructed not to harm them (right).
Interesting. But it seems like more of a PR ploy than an olive branch. Video below.
See more creative guerrilla advertising here.
Skywriting? Dud mortal shells with messages inside (OPEN ME! on the outside)?
The Colombian government enlisted their ad agency, Bogota's Lowe SSP3, to try and entice the FARC guerrillas to disarm and come home to their families for Christmas. Lowe created Operation Rivers of Light—floating plastic balls filled with messages and small gifts from family and friends down waterways used by the insurgents.
"We had overlooked that the highways of the jungle are the rivers," said Jose Miguel Sokoloff, chief creative officer of the Lowe agency.
The balls are equipped with LEDs that recharge on solar power and will remain lighted for about two weeks, according to Mr. Sokoloff. They will be placed in nine different rivers, one in each of the areas still occupied by guerrillas. The first wave of about 1,000 balls has been sent down two rivers. An estimated 4,000 to 5,000 fighters are believed left, Mr. Sokoloff said, vs. as many as 30,000 a decade ago. The outreach encourages them to defect from their camps and surrender to Colombian soldiers, who have been instructed not to harm them (right).
Interesting. But it seems like more of a PR ploy than an olive branch. Video below.
See more creative guerrilla advertising here.
Snatch? Snatch.
(click ad, via)
Yes, this appears to be a real ad created by Ogilvy Atlanta for Underground Fitness in Roswell, Georgia. Click the ad and examine the little hairs on her belly. In the informative campaign, there's also an equally stupid but less provocative "Jerk" execution. Which is funny, because this "Snatch" ad is going to attract gym mooks like that guy. Note: the most repugnant (to women) gym ad ever is still this one (nsfw).
Yes, this appears to be a real ad created by Ogilvy Atlanta for Underground Fitness in Roswell, Georgia. Click the ad and examine the little hairs on her belly. In the informative campaign, there's also an equally stupid but less provocative "Jerk" execution. Which is funny, because this "Snatch" ad is going to attract gym mooks like that guy. Note: the most repugnant (to women) gym ad ever is still this one (nsfw).
Selasa, 20 Desember 2011
FedEx—when you absolutely, positively need it delivered broken.
The YouTube poster says that, yes, his new monitor was broken.
They probably broke this Pomeranian's hockey stick, too.
Update: a FedEx V.P.'s response video here.
Texas Lawyer Beer Coaster Ad of the Day.
The classy Mark T. Davis at yer service, El Paso drunks (thanks Jenni B). Previously: the sketchiest local lawyer billboards.
The classy Mark T. Davis at yer service, El Paso drunks (thanks Jenni B). Previously: the sketchiest local lawyer billboards.
Young French ad agency has big baby balls (NSFL).
(click ad, via)
I can't find who, exactly, voted Paris ad agency Herezie "best young agency of the year". Maybe their mother? This is hanging in their halls, and ran in exactly zero publications. That's all I got. You make the idiotic comments.
Ad agencies: Forever terrible at promoting themselves.
I can't find who, exactly, voted Paris ad agency Herezie "best young agency of the year". Maybe their mother? This is hanging in their halls, and ran in exactly zero publications. That's all I got. You make the idiotic comments.
Ad agencies: Forever terrible at promoting themselves.
Today's Ad That'll Make Art Directors Touch Their Genitals.
(click ad, via)
Translation: "Makes obstacles audible. The acoustic warning system of the parking assistant PARKTRONIC." Oh yeah baby, so sexxxy simple. So ADs, whaddaya think? Good? Bad? Fuck You? Ad agency: Jung von Matt, Vienna. Here's ten previous ads that made Art Directors touch their genitals.
Translation: "Makes obstacles audible. The acoustic warning system of the parking assistant PARKTRONIC." Oh yeah baby, so sexxxy simple. So ADs, whaddaya think? Good? Bad? Fuck You? Ad agency: Jung von Matt, Vienna. Here's ten previous ads that made Art Directors touch their genitals.
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