Selasa, 03 Januari 2012

Clive Owen sells out for some greasy fast food cash.

Now, I love Clive (you'll never walk alone, mate). But it's my duty to point out when big name stars dip their manicured toes into the ad cesspool. Spot is via Madrid ad agency La Despensa for BK Spain. Nice command of Spanish, Clive. Uh, or at least nice lip-synching. The spot is a mess, but I think he has emerged with his soul intact. Here's the making of video, if you care.
Previous noteworthy star ads: • Clooney (insane Norwegian bank spot) • Jude Law (drives Russian women up a tree) • Jackie Chan (embarrassing) • Quentin Tarantino (pissed off in Russia) • Bruce Willis ($1 million to shill for a Commie bank) • Al Pacino (first ever product endorsement).

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