Selasa, 03 Januari 2012

This is not the way to fight Childhood Obesity (three print ads).

(click ads, via)
These depressing ads, via Children's Healthcare of Atlanta, will, in my opinion, do nothing but make fat kids feel fatter and parents feel like shit. If I was a fat kid, these ads would make me want to hide in the pantry, or worse.
"We felt like we needed a very arresting, abrupt campaign that said: ‘Hey, Georgia! Wake up. This is a problem,’ ” said Linda Matzigkeit, a senior vice president at Children’s Healthcare.
But I agree with what Marsha Davis, who researches child obesity prevention at the University of Georgia’s College of Public Health, said: "Making people feel badly about their weight doesn't work as an agent of change. I guess it depends on what we want to do with these ads. If we want to get attention to say obesity is a problem, maybe they will be effective. In terms of the social stigma about weight — it might actually make people feel worse about that....We need to fight obesity, not obese people.”
Georgia ranks second nationally in childhood obesity—with about 1 million overweight or obese children—according to data compiled by the campaign. (I'm guessing West Virgina is #1.)
The organization is spending a whopping $50 million over the next five years on the Strong4Life campaign. Ad agency: Grey, Atlanta. Just to lighten the mood, here's a rather hilarious (in a very black way) obesity ad, via Belgium.

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