(click, via)
Moar catz pics.
Jumat, 17 Februari 2012
"Dated" Panties. Good idea, bad idea? Ladies, discuss.
(click ad, via)
"Made of fine Rayon Tricot."
Sporty enough to "share".
Anyway, it's the rage.
Previously: the most pairs of panties ever in an ad.
"Made of fine Rayon Tricot."
Sporty enough to "share".
Anyway, it's the rage.
Previously: the most pairs of panties ever in an ad.
"Walking Dead" in-theater stunt is killer.
Shot in South Africa last Fall. The fake Rom-Com trailer copy is excellent. Good zombie, too. Much better than this overrated in-theater stunt by Carlsberg.
Previously: The "Walking Dead" body parts-filled promo truck.
The street art of Robert Montgomery.

If you work in advertising, you've probably seen some of these, and some of you thought they were cool. No, they're not cool. See many more here.
Vodka billboard harshly insults NYC hookers.
(click, @ 27th and 7th Ave.)
Not content with pissing off NYC's Jews in December, Wodka recently erected this streetwalker unfriendly board fairly close to the streetwalker-heavy Penn Station area. Of course, it's also an escort-heavy area, so now those upscale ladies (and men) will have an excuse to raise their prices (*points out billboard to John*). Thanks Tom.
Not content with pissing off NYC's Jews in December, Wodka recently erected this streetwalker unfriendly board fairly close to the streetwalker-heavy Penn Station area. Of course, it's also an escort-heavy area, so now those upscale ladies (and men) will have an excuse to raise their prices (*points out billboard to John*). Thanks Tom.
Hilarious, unfortunate newspaper ad juxtaposition of the week.
(click, via The Daily What) McCain, I'm thinking, is going to get a makegood for that fuck-up. I mean, their ad headline perfectly, horribly answers the editorial. Compare the above to this massive contextual ad fail, via the UK's Daily Mirror.
Ireland presents: the sleaziest mobile network commercial ever.
For "48", the "phone network only for those aged 18-22." Here's a radio spot from campaign ("spanking some MILF"—don't think that would fly in the US).
As a YouTube commenter said: "I ordered a 48 sim card and immediately contracted chlamydia." Another one opined: "The greatest pile of jaded horseapples I've seen in a long time."
Last year, Ireland presented us with the sleaziest soda commercial ever.
Thanks, O'Reilly.
Kamis, 16 Februari 2012
Today's WRONG campaign.

(click, via)
Just, no.
I now never want to eat fish again. Also, this song's stuck in my head. Also, the unappetizing human/seafood hybrid visual has already been done and done. You're selling food, doofuses, not a sci-fi movie. Ad agency: Hub Group, Melbourne, Australia. Related: here's the best fish head ad ever, for the WWF.
Target Toy Sale living display is AWESOMESAUCE.
(Click, via. Sorry, it's my first time writing awesomesauce. I won't do it again.)
Like these real plastic army men (promoting a Brazilian toy store), THIS makes me want to be a 10-year-old again. Not to play with jerky fake wrestling figurines, but to go TOY SHOPPING. For army men. And Hot Wheels. And big fucking Tonka trucks. And other cool crap that was the key to me turning out like the non-Metrosexual tough guy I am.
I know W&K is Target's American ad agency, but if anybody knows what agency did this, please comment.
Like these real plastic army men (promoting a Brazilian toy store), THIS makes me want to be a 10-year-old again. Not to play with jerky fake wrestling figurines, but to go TOY SHOPPING. For army men. And Hot Wheels. And big fucking Tonka trucks. And other cool crap that was the key to me turning out like the non-Metrosexual tough guy I am.
I know W&K is Target's American ad agency, but if anybody knows what agency did this, please comment.
Brazilian "Rolling Stone" ad features massive typo.

Imagine there's no proofreader.
This ad was produced in English, it is not just translated for publicity purposes. "But...spell check didn't catch it!!!," bellowed the Creative Director (in Portuguese). Ad agency Fischer & Fischer. Related: the greatest typo of all time?
That's Racist: MSG fortune-cookies Jeremy Lin.

According to the Sporting News, NYC's MSG network (which I can't watch, thanks to the MSG-Time Warner Cable baby fight) posted this graphic right after the Knicks win over the Kings last night. Yao, that's tasteless!
Vintage clothing ads, minus the clothing (NSFW).

(click ads, via) For the Second Chance 2nd-hand clothing boutique in Istanbul. 60s, 70s, and 80s. Sorry gals and gay men; no man butt or cock. See, Ricky Perry? Turkey isn't run by Islamic terrorists, otherwise this place would suicide-bombed back to the birth of Muhammad. Compare the campaign to these sick Cannes Lion winning ads for a London vintage clothing store from 2010.
Rabu, 15 Februari 2012
If you were marketing a face cream to men, what would you name it?
(click, via Posh & Fancy)
Here are some other names submitted to and rejected by L'Oréal CEO Jean-Paul Agon:
• Face Jacker
• Energy Punch
• Face Hemi
• Combustion Cream
• I'm tired, add yours in the comments.
Here are some other names submitted to and rejected by L'Oréal CEO Jean-Paul Agon:
• Face Jacker
• Energy Punch
• Face Hemi
• Combustion Cream
• I'm tired, add yours in the comments.
MI6 places covert non-ad in major UK papers.
(click non-ad, via)
Pretty cheeky ruse to reel in potential birdwatchers. The UK's SIS placed this innocuous, logo-less essay, full-page, in papers such as the Sunday Times and The Week. The idea is wonderful, though the copy is a bit stale. (To be expected whenever a government organization is involved in creative work. The ending is excellent, though.) It's certainly well above the CIA's recent, staid ads (examples here and here). Ad Agency: M&C Saatchi.
Pretty cheeky ruse to reel in potential birdwatchers. The UK's SIS placed this innocuous, logo-less essay, full-page, in papers such as the Sunday Times and The Week. The idea is wonderful, though the copy is a bit stale. (To be expected whenever a government organization is involved in creative work. The ending is excellent, though.) It's certainly well above the CIA's recent, staid ads (examples here and here). Ad Agency: M&C Saatchi.
The foulest seven Buzzwords ever heard in a business meeting.
"Let's stir-fry that in the ideas wok."
Said in complete earnestness and nodded at without smirks by Mr. Buzzword's underlings, according to this reporter's report. Related: four heinous made-up ad words.
Said in complete earnestness and nodded at without smirks by Mr. Buzzword's underlings, according to this reporter's report. Related: four heinous made-up ad words.
Zombie Colonel Sanders spotted dining in a KFC?
(click, via)
Yeah, he's dead. Like Tupac's dead.
Via China, apparently.
Previously in: Zombie Colonel Sanders.
Yeah, he's dead. Like Tupac's dead.
Via China, apparently.
Previously in: Zombie Colonel Sanders.
cRaZY Japan Ad Watch: See if you can guess what the hell this commercial is selling.
I thought it was for maybe bird motorcycle helmets.
Answer in the comments.
Previously in: cRaZY Japan Ad Watch.
UK McDonald's fries billboard gets hijacked.
(click, via)
In Bristol. Still not as bad as their recent, idiotic non-hijacked billboards.
Last fall, it happened to Burger King in Seattle.
In Bristol. Still not as bad as their recent, idiotic non-hijacked billboards.
Last fall, it happened to Burger King in Seattle.
Finally: The follow-up to the NSFW Skittles parody commercial "Cumshot the Rainbow".
Remember the hilarious, raunchy NSFW Skittles (Jittles) spoof spot last Summer? Well, here—suspiciously only seven months later—is the encore. I won't give away the ending. But all is not sweetness in Candyland. Created again by the L.A. directing team Cousins (who lost the real Skittles work when TBWA\Chiat\Day lost the account). Here's the extended cut. Thanks Josh.
Selasa, 14 Februari 2012
Now THIS is a Valentine's Day bouquet for a man.
Those roses are made of bacon. Combine this with the Kirin beer Bro-quet and Reservoir Dogs and you are instantly the best girlfriend/wife in the history of this horrible, horrible holiday. Made by Lindsay for her husband. Via good copy/bad copy.
Those roses are made of bacon. Combine this with the Kirin beer Bro-quet and Reservoir Dogs and you are instantly the best girlfriend/wife in the history of this horrible, horrible holiday. Made by Lindsay for her husband. Via good copy/bad copy.
Valentine's Day razor ad is either for a man's face or a woman's...
(click, via)
The Hydro 5 is a men's razor. But, that particular heart visual turns my mind's eye to stubble further south. Ad agency: JWT Paris.
The Hydro 5 is a men's razor. But, that particular heart visual turns my mind's eye to stubble further south. Ad agency: JWT Paris.
The Don Draper paper doll is here!

Oh my goodness gosh golly! Yes! It's real! Buy it here! Now all you pretend Mad Men and Women have something to play with while you watch your favorite adulterer! He stands up! Make him reenact office scenes in only his underwear and socks! A million other uses I can't think of! He's certainly more realistic than this terrible-looking Don Draper doll in a trilby hat.
The Bros before Hoes Valentine's Day Promo.
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The two dumbest corporate Valentine's Day ads ever.

I looked through scores of painfully forced V-Day ads from the last 10 years or so. These two take the box of chocolates. Top: McDonald's, by TBWA Paris. (The #1 worst ever.) Bottom: Tampax by Leo Burnett Milan. (If you can figure out exactly what's going on in the layout, please let me know.)
The first Anal Sex Valentine's Day Ad of the Day.

It very well may not be the last. We'll see. Wurst is a Bavarian restaurant and beer hall in Calgary. Ad Agency: Wax, Calgary. Related: the most Safe For Work anal sex ads ever.
Six extremely creepy vintage Valentine's Day cards.

Dead calf—hilarious. Dictator?—LOL, sure, drop those bloomers! I'll stab you in the heart! I'll shoot you in the heart! (Maybe rethink that cop relationship.) Hmm—no pants, a barber pole, and "screwy". (It's like a soundbite from Carnac the Magnificent.) And, sure, that's "his" heart. See 18 more of these at Retronaut.
Valentine's Day message from PETA: Vegan Boys Boom-Boom Better.
I hate long acronyms that are forced. "Knocked the Bottom out of me"? But, that way, they got BOOM at the end of it. The video's well produced. Obligatory gratuitous babe ass shot included, of course; that's the PETA way. That's Kevin Nealon v/o-ing. Here's the website, complete with fake testimonials and safety tips. Ad Agency: Matter.
Previously, PETA pushed the supposed dick-hardening benefits of veganism by mocking flaccid-cocked Roger Clemens, and with this "banned" Super Bowl spot featuring bikini models fellating veggies.
Senin, 13 Februari 2012
It's already Valentine's Day in Australia...

...and women are right now getting Dick (Smith tech) gifts. Just a preview of what's coming tomorrow: many Valentine's Day-related ads/images. Previously: Dick Smith product demo of the day (snicker).
In honor of NYC Fashion Week, here's two fashion ads with a man's bare ass and a woman puking.

(click ads, via)
Flavour is a Danish clothing and footwear boutique.
That's some really bad fake puke.
Thus concludes this year's NYC Fashion Week ad report.
Ad agency: JWT Halbye Kaag, Copenhagen.
Last year's NYC Fashion Week ad report: cat-headed men sell suits.
This is how to do a Save Wildlife campaign these days.
I'm called a misanthrope all the time. Which is absolutely true. Humans are killing off species quickly—killing the planet quickly—with nary a second thought. Try to bring a wildlife bill to the floor of Congress, and watch business lobbyists (humans) kill it, gleefully, like a baby seal. But hey, no sweat, we'll just go live on the fucking Moon.
And when I see stories like this one about the great Rhino, I feel ill. But bravo to Ogilvy Cape Town for pissing people off by bait and switching them with this YouTube hijacking effort. The agency says they increased online signatures for their client, non-profit Forever Wild, by 400%. Will it do any good? Probably not. We're only human.
To view some previous WWF ads, click here.
Everybody! Please judge this student spot for Sharpie pens.
Emailed to me by the student. I won't name him. I also won't judge him—that's up to you flamethrowers! I get written to a lot by students, for some unknown reason, asking about this business, which as they soon find out, is a big mistake. So don't write me—unless you got ads you want scorched.
Previous student ads: 7-Eleven (I like them!) • Hubba Bubba. (meh).
Photoshopped Fucking Dogs ads of the day.

(click ads, via)
I have nothing to add, other than: Stop Animal Photoshop Abuse (SAPA)!
Ad agency: Fischer & Friends, São Paulo, Brazil.
"How come I enjoy smoking and you don't?" (classic print ad).
(click, from a 1976 Playboy)
"How come I enjoy orgies every week and you don't? How come my cock stays throbbingly hard after my second orgasm and yours doesn't? How come my tousled salt & pepper hair looks fantastic and yours doesn't? How come you're staring into my eyes and not at the Surgeon General's warning down there? How come it's the 70s, and I don't have any chest hair (pre-Photoshop retouching)? Previously in: 1970s ads.
"How come I enjoy orgies every week and you don't? How come my cock stays throbbingly hard after my second orgasm and yours doesn't? How come my tousled salt & pepper hair looks fantastic and yours doesn't? How come you're staring into my eyes and not at the Surgeon General's warning down there? How come it's the 70s, and I don't have any chest hair (pre-Photoshop retouching)? Previously in: 1970s ads.
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